The New AI Photo

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The New AI Photo Tricks on the Pixel 8 Are Blowing My Mind: Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser Take Photo Editing to the Next Level

Google's new AI picture hints on the Pixel Eight are mind-blowing. Magic Editor lets you warp your pix to a new level, altering the scene's lights and even transferring your subject's shadow. Audio Magic Eraser lets you dispose of undesirable historical past noise from your videos.


Google's new Pixel 8 phones are set to revolutionize mobile photography with a pair of mind-blowing AI photo tricks: Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser. Magic Editor takes the natural evolution of Google's popular Magic Eraser feature, allowing you to erase unwanted objects from your photos and even warp the whole scene to a new level. Audio Magic Eraser, on the other hand, lets you remove unwanted background noise from your videos with ease.

Magic Editor: Warp Your Photos to a New Level

In a demo, Google confirmed how Magic Editor can be used to trade the scene's lighting fixtures and even pass your subject's shadow. For example, you ought to take a picture at midday with harsh lighting fixtures and without difficulty trade it to a golden hour to get these wonderfully heat night tones—and perhaps even throw in a sunset! Or, you should clutch the challenge in a picture and drag itwonderful up into the air to make it seem like they're about to dunk.

Audio Magic Eraser: Remove Unwanted Background Noise from Your Videos

Audio Magic Eraser is every other effective AI characteristic this is certain to make video modification a breeze. With Audio Magic Eraser, you can without a doubt pick the undesirable noise in your video and the software program will routinely put off it. This capacity that you in the end get rid of that demanding site visitor noise or plane engine in your holiday footage.


Google's new AI image hints on the Pixel Eight are absolutely groundbreaking. Magic Editor and Audio Magic Eraser provide you interesting (and type of scary) new powers over your pix and videos. It's challenging to think about what sort of innovative probabilities these points will unencumber for photographers and videographers alike.
